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e had such a great time in 2008.  There was never a dull moment - from the last week of setting up the display, right up until the display was back down and in storage.  We were all very thankful to have the opportunity to do something like this and we are thankful to the many folks who expressed their appreciation – we really appreciate all of the kind words.
Overall, the display ran flawlessly from Nov 28th right through to Dec 28th.  Wet rainy weather had very little impact to it; though, I can’t say the same for the driveway.   On the last night of the display, the warm weather caused the upper layer to unfreeze and with approximately 1,000 visitors driving through the driveway, many ruts were formed We spent the better part of the following morning doing our best to repair it by hand.   Please be advised, should we have a night like that in future years, I will be forced to block the driveway for the evening :(

We were very surprised to receive recognition from several groups in December and we would like to sincerely thank all of the folks at the Dutchess County Office of Tourism and the Dutchess County Christmas Light Association, as well as all of the folks who, unbeknownst to us, nominated our display.   Thank you so much :)

West View
Emily & Trees

On Monday Dec 29th, we began the dismantling of the display.  It took us 5 straight days to complete it – about 200 man hours.   Towards the end of the display season we were constantly being asked to let the display stay up longer.  I wish I could.  But I have to go back to work, and the kids have to go back to school – we need the last week of the holidays for this.  I did manage to provide a good laugh for my crew – on the 2nd day of the takedown, I gracefully lost my balance right next to the edge of the pond and sure enough, I fell in.  Lucky, for Brian and the boys they had a perfect view…

Pond At Night

2008 Display
      - Preparation photos
      - Final Display photos
      - 2008 Videos

We added 55,457 lights to bring the total to 171,572. We increased the number of synchronized light Channels from 192 to 320 and expanded the synchronization to both sides of our driveway.  We had a total of 45 songs in our show loop which you can listen to hear.   song list

The 2008 display covered our entire 1.7 acres and was centered around our pond.
It incorporated:
    -177, Hundred Watt Flood Lights
    - 23, Five Hundred Watt Halogen Lights
    - 175 Strobe Lights
    - Some special motorized LED lighting
    - 69 Wire frame trees and many wire frame animals
    - Two, 70 foot long Light Rails, each with 14, five foot channels,        have been added for 2008

2008 Blue Prints:
  Click here to view

Blue Star
Emily & Sign
Driveway Tour
Pond Daytime
Emily & Rail
Blue Spruce
Emily & Star